Case Study

Creating a High-Performing Leadership Team


A Midwest community college department specializing in skills training faced underutilization of talents and a lack of clarity regarding work styles. The Executive Director sought to transform the leadership team with the help of Bâton Global and Predictive Index's insights.

The Story

This community college department provides comprehensive services such as skills training, talent development, and business consulting. These offerings are designed to foster the growth and progression of various entities including businesses, industries, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

The Challenge

The department faced the challenge of team members not fully utilizing their talents, coupled with a lack of understanding regarding individual work styles. The Executive Director additionally grappled with how her leadership style impacted the team's performance, necessitating a transformative approach.

The Choice

Bâton Global (B|G) delivered a series of workshops and behavioral assessments to address the department's challenges. Through data-driven insights and ongoing support, they empowered the team to understand their strengths and weaknesses, improve communication, and evolve their leadership styles.

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