Case Study

Surveying Members to Increase Association Engagement


A prominent professional association, boasting over 4,000 members, sought the guidance of Bâton Global (B|G) in adapting to a rapidly changing technological landscape.

The Story

This professional organization is committed to enhancing the expertise and career growth of its members through education, resources, and advocacy. It offers ongoing professional development opportunities, a network for collaboration, and current industry insights to maintain the highest standards of practice and ethics within the profession it represents.

The Challenge

Navigating disruptive technological shifts, the association aimed to maintain relevance and chart a path for informed growth. To tackle this challenge, B|G undertook extensive research and survey initiatives targeting various groups.

The Choice

B|G conducted comprehensive external and secondary research, administering tailored surveys to current, former, and non-members. The critical insights gained enabled the association to refine programming, augment engagement opportunities, and attract new members. With actionable insights in tow, the association developed the tools to revamp its member engagement strategies and expand its membership base, using data-driven approaches to drive its growth.

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